You have a bunch of police files to go through, seeking to figure out who is guilty of the crimes described within. Just try not to accidentally ruin someone’s life by drawing the wrong conclusions.
Legal Dungeon gives you the various audio and text files on eight different crimes, tasking you with going through all of the information contained in them. With this information, you should be able to make an informed decision on who the guilty party is and have them arrested. However, don’t expect it to hold your hand as you try to figure all of this out. You’re just as able to make an incorrect arrest as the right one, leading to multiple endings (and some ruined lives).
Legal Dungeon‘s twisting storyline, which you must unravel yourself, explores some unsettling questions about the humanity of the people who are in charge of locking people away. It delves into the kind of half-formed information that can be cause to ruin a life, and the strong desire to lock someone – anyone – up for the public to feel safe again. It’s gut-wrenchingly easy to simply throw someone in jail to complete the game, even if you aren’t sure they’re the criminal. Even if you’ll never feel certain enough.
But at least you get a cute little police desktop buddy to help you figure your way through making your arrest. Adorable little fella. You’ll make me feel better about destroying a life, won’t you?
Legal Dungeon is available now on Steam.