Sometimes a single hero is the only hope remaining against the darkness. In Waterside, you are that hero, and you’ve got to defeat slimes, skeletons, and monsters as your reflection moves in the nearby rippling waves.
Waterside is a fast-paced wave defense, one which keeps you on your toes by occasionally dipping the screen into darkness. As you complete each of the first three levels, you receive a chance to level-up certain elements of your character (you can increase your damage or the amount of damage you can take before falling). Balancing this against your play-style is essential if you want to make it through the challenging boss fights,… As it turns out, giant enemies are particularly tough to fell.
Perhaps the most impressive thing about Justfire45’s LowRezJam2019 entry is the fact that everything you do is echoed in the reflection in the lake. As a matter of fact, it’s even more impressive because this – always endearing – technical feat is utterly surplus to the jam’s theme requirements. The 2019 LowRezJam actually featured multiple optional themes, ranging from Only in the Dark to Factory – yet Waterside‘s most stand-out feature wasn’t under any of those themes’ mandates.
The wave-defense title does manage to achieve the one mandatory rule for the jam, however. The view is never any larger than a 64×64 bit resolution.
Waterside is playable now on