A companion piece to the staggeringly powerful 1979 Revolution: Black Friday, Blindfold has you suffer through the interrogation of a photojournalist in VR.
CONTENT WARNING – Interrogation
You’ve been brought in to Iran’s Evin Prison, and you’ve been accused of spreading anti-state propaganda. You’ll be interrogated about your supposed crime by Assadollah Lajevardi, answering their questions through nodding, shaking your head, or staying still and silent. Depending on how you reply to their upsetting line of questioning, you’ll steadily guide the story.
Saying that the experience is unsettling and disturbing is putting it lightly, but experiencing this in VR is an eye-opening experience to the real history behind these events and its figures. It’s chilling, and can be a challenge to see through to the end, but it grants an exceptional clarity of emotion in reaction to these events.
Reading history in books or online can be such a dispassionate and sterile experience compared to being in the blood and guts of it all, but that is where Blindfold shines. You get a feel for these actions, and cannot help but feel an immediate empathy and rage for the people who had to suffer through these real-world events. iNK Stories excels at drawing out the emotional core of their stories and making the player truly feel it, and here, using the power of VR, they’ve delivered a game that will leave you shaken, but truly feeling the importance and horror of this piece of history. It’s may be challenging to endure, but it’s something important to witness.
Blindfold is available now on PSVR.