Sinister residences seem to be a big inspiration for DAYMARE: 1998, a horror game that will have you following three characters as they escape an undead-filled city.
A chemical weapon gets loosed on an unsuspecting populace, resulting in everybody becoming a real drag to be around. I just don’t get along with people who want to bite my face. I don’t think that’s unreasonable. Anyway, you’ll be guiding a soldier, a forest ranger, and a helicopter pilot through the deadly city as you try to figure out what’s happened, as well as find some means of escape. Good luck to the poor pilot, though. When was the last time you saw a pilot survive a horror game for more than like ten minutes?
You’ll have to arm yourself with whatever you can find to turn back the zombie-like beasts, as well as the sick mutations that have started to pop up in the city as well. You’ll need to be stingy with your items, though, so if you can skirt around something that’s stumbling your way, you’d better do that instead. Wouldn’t want to run out of bullets when something really gross comes sniffing around.
In case that doesn’t sound 90’s horror enough for you, there’s also some environmental puzzles for you to solve. Which is exactly what you want to be doing when something is trying to gnaw on your skull. It’s a real familiar package, but with the developer’s own modern spin on it, making for some tense, sickening horror for old fans and new.
DAYMARE: 1998 is available now on Steam.