Appeeling Personality sees you feeling a little woozy at a banana-eating contest. The fruit seems to be…hitting on you?
You need to be downing bananas as fast as possible to win this contest. It also doesn’t help that you’re starving despite how much of the yellow fruit you’re downing every few seconds. SOMETHING is definitely acting up in your body and mind, though, as the bananas are starting to speak with you. They seem pretty interested in you, honestly. Some of them can be pretty charming, too, even if they’re laying on the pickup lines pretty thick. So, now you’re in a dilemma. Do you eat to win the contest, or do you try to find love with a banana?
The bananas have varying personalities, so if you’re more interested in someone a little rough, you can find that. Maybe taking over the world is more your speed. Well, there’s a banana for that, too. There’s all manner of personalities to find, although you really are getting quite ravenous. You may want to eat those bananas a bit faster before the guilt sets in. It does feel pretty depressing to eat a being that finds you so lovely that it has to go on and on about how beautiful you are.
Appeeling Personality is, unsurprisingly, a completely ridiculous experience, one that made me feel pretty bad about eating a banana with a face. Which is not really a feeling I expected to be going through today.
Appeeling Personality is available now on