MOFUMOFUSENSEN may be filled with animal warriors, but there’s no turtling allowed in this fighter. Block too much and you’ll find your defensive options breaking down.
The game features an impressive-looking cast of varied anthropomorphic warriors with some fun combat styles. Siwon may carry a rifle, but they mainly use it to clobber you over the head. Not that they won’t EVER shoot you with some of their attacks, though. Vankov likes to grab you and make you explode (and throw you while also making you explode), adding some even more worrisome elements to getting grappled. Meanwhile, Medy will just beat you down with a huge slab of concrete (at least, I think that’s what it is). These characters all take up a great deal of the screen, so you can really savor the detail on the concrete slab as it slams into your face.
The big sprites mean it can feel like you’re on top of one another a lot of the time. That’s not such a bad thing as it can encourage both players to be pretty aggressive, making for some thrilling matches. The game does a few other things to keep the fight rolling, too. The game features a meter under your life bar, but it’s actually two meters in one. There’s the left side (AAG – Auto Advancing Guard) and the right (Guard Crush). The AAG bar fills over time and adds a bit of pushback to the next thing you block, buying you some space, which is great if you need to escape a string of strikes. The Guard Crush bar fills as you block strikes, but if it completely fills, you’ll be stunned by the next hit.
The AAG bar starts off small and the Guard Crush section starts off large, though, meaning it’s hard to break your guard and you often get that pushback. Each time your Guard is Crushed, though, the Guard Crush area gets smaller and the AAG section gets longer, which means less pushback and you’re stunned more easily. And this, along with health, persists between rounds. If you block too much, you can find yourself in a bad state for the rest of the match.
MOFUMOFUSENSEN has some great-looking animal characters with fun movesets and does an excellent job of encouraging you to fight hard to avoid finding yourself at a disadvantage. It’s definitely a lot of fun, but come into it ready to lay beatdowns as fast as you can.
MOFUMOFUSENSEN is available now on the Nintendo eShop.