There Are Ghosts In These Stalls captures the fears that can come while stuck in a public bathroom stall (although they’re a bit more supernatural in nature, here).
You’re trapped in a bathroom stall for a bit, although why you’ve chosen to do your business here is beyond me. Something about a public bathroom being lit by a candle seems like a big red flag to me. Even so, this is where you’ve decided to sit. The thing is, there’s definitely someone else here with you. Maybe it’s just some kid who doesn’t understand personal space (which is honestly pretty terrifying; if you’ve ever had a child just STARE at you from the slit in the door, you know what I mean), but it feels like something far worse. Sounds like it, too, as you can hear all kinds of strange noises around you.
While you’re stuck you can look around a bit. There’s some strange symbols written on the walls. You’ll have to look around a bit to find them, but once you do, you should stare at them for a bit to…absorb them? They just disappear if you stare long enough, they fade away, and you can then look at an underlined spot on the stall door to bring them together. That said, bringing them together seems to draw some unwanted attention from the thing that’s making all those noises. The one you might catch looking back at you while you’re poking around. Once you have all the symbols, you’ll definitely get the creature’s attention. And wish you hadn’t.
There Are Ghosts In These StallsĀ reminded me of the general discomfort I feel whenever I use a public bathroom, but with an extra-chilling horror slant. It’s a brief game, but hits hard with its atmosphere and sound during that time. It’s impressive in how it makes the most of its time, and has added even more fear for the next time I need to hit up a bathroom at the mall.
There Are Ghosts In These Stalls is available now on