Loddlenaut feels like you are doing good as you clean up trash and strange garbage at the bottom of the ocean to help the creatures that live there.
You’re an interstellar cleaner who is meant to be dealing with all of the pollution that big companies have left in space. At the bottom of the ocean, there are different bins for different types of trash. You can collect items with your bubble blaster and then shoot them into their bins, steadily cleaning up the waters all around you. Do a good enough job and maybe some new friends will start swimming around the area. As you aren’t in the oceans on Earth, you’ll run into a variety of alien creatures that can hang out with you if their world is clean enough for them to explore.
The creatures (who look a lot like axolotls, but more adorable) will start to wander through the area once it’s clean enough. You’re not just passively watching the wildlife, though. You can feed them different fruits to make them grow and showcase the traits that will help them live in this ocean.
You’ll need good tools to clean up a mess this big for your ocean pals, though. Thankfully, getting rid of these bits of rubbish will allow you to then upgrade your blaster so that you can grab more, hold more, and otherwise clean up more efficiently. There are also piles of goop here and there that need to be blasted away with your bubble blaster so that the plants can continue to thrive. These are just a few of the implements you’ll use and improve while cleaning up the ocean.
I got to play an early build of Loddlenaut at The Mix Spring Showcase, which showed off cleaning this world. I felt that the controls themselves were a bit clunky as moving up and down felt hard to do easily. Otherwise there is a lot of potential in this adorable game!
Loddlenaut is currently in development, but in the meantime, you can add it to your Steam Wishlist.