A Home Below has you playing as a little crab who needs to find different shells to move to new places within this underwater world.
Although this may look like a specific, viral crab-based game, it’s really something more cozy. It’s filled with different shells that give you abilities and hints at what happened in the past to lead to this future. It’s not a game where you will find yourself dying often or falling for extremely challenging moments.

A Home Below starts you off in an abandoned underwater house. There isn’t much explanation at first about what has happened, but through looking at books and papers that are left around, you’ll find that the world has been losing its animals and falling into the ocean. That’s what has happened here.
You can travel around the level in order to find the next shell to take you further. From a shot glass to a bottle cap, you’ll gain new abilities that can help you. One shell allowed me to glide through to the next area, getting slightly higher. You can often see different shells using your vision, but you can pick up little accessories for your shells as well.

As you explore the world, you can find yourself making friends with other creatures within the ocean, evading predators by staying still and finding food that you can eat up. It’s interesting to see how the world has changed and how crabs have adapted. Speaking with developers after playing the game at Pocket Gamer Connects London, they explained that there was a lot of research being put into this game to provide a realistic experience of crabs adapting to their enviroment.
There is something truly charming about the graphic style and the ability to be playing as a little crab just exploring the ruins of civilization. I was very captivated by the demo that I played.
A Home Below is currently in development, but in the meantime, you can add it to your Steam Wishlist.