Alice’s 1997 captures a snapshot of a life using calendar pages, weaving character and narrative through short personal notes.
You’ll find yourself tearing pages out of someone else’s personal calendar in Alice’s 1997. As you do so, you’ll read small notes the past owner left for themselves, as well as extra pieces of information someone else has left for them. Through these tiny snippets of information, you’ll get a glimpse into the main character’s past, as well as the important events of a few months.
Alice’s 1997 seems uplifting and cheerful at first. However, these notes become a bit more painful when you consider why these pages remain intact inside the calendar. The game definitely rewards repeat playthroughs, although these hurt a little bit more each time your understanding grows.
Alice’s 1997 takes a sharp look at narrative using these brief descriptions, with its developer knowing exactly how to use every word to create that image in your mind.
Alice’s 1997 is playable for free on