I’m quite a fan of suspense in games, and even of horror themes, however I really dislike horror games.
Author: Dann Sullivan
‘Pocketon Peak’ Makes Multiple Uses of Enemy Items
Pocketon Peak is a lovely seaside mining town currently beset by marauding monsters. Lucky for them, their new hero has just washed up on the shore.
‘like gulls crying at the dawn’ Finds Hope Through Shared Solitude
I’ve been looking out for deep, well-written Bitsy games since bumbling my way through John Lee Cooper‘s The Old City of High Walls earlier in the year.
‘The world had been sad since Tuesday’ Explores the Dark Side of New Discoveries
Heavily inspired by the short story “A Very Old Man with Enormous Wings” by Gabriel Garcia Marquez, The world had been sad since Tuesday is a fantastic exploration of society and human nature…
‘Triggore’ is a Challenging Haunted House Shooting Gallery
In Triggore, spooky nightmare jerks have sprung out of a local graveyard, and you’ve got to hold out through the dead of winter with only what you’ve got in your small, hillside…
‘Hei$t’ Clicks Through the Ultimate Theft Operation
The money is in the bank, and you want that cash. There’s just one thing to do: pull off a Hei$t.
‘Orul’ Brings Pretty Color Palettes to Mirrored Platforming
There’s now been plenty of games which have you controlling two characters at once, but it’s not Orul‘s most apparent feature which makes it stand out. It’s the option to change the…
‘Katara’ Unravels a Mystery as You Ascend a Well
Katara is a simplistic-looking clamber from the depths complete with some impressive storytelling.
‘Hexagroove’ is a Rhythm/Strategy Fusion about Pleasing a Club-Dancing Crowd
In Hexagroove you make outstanding club music all while having to react quickly to the crowd’s wants, needs, and feedback. Its subtitle, Tactical DJ, is certainly appropriate.
‘Lazarus’ Controls a Disembodied Arm Defending its Fallen Body
In Lazarus, from Constantin Liétard and Thomas Denis (collectively, Borderline Games) you’re not a revived person, instead simply a somehow-still-alive arm.
‘Mr. Flipper’ is a Chaotic Pinball Climber
Repeat after me, ‘I am Mr. Flipper, the only flipper in a crazy pinball world.’ There, that’s all of the tutorial that you get in Willem Rosenthal‘s Mr. Flipper, an entry in…