The Pizza Delivery Boy Who Saved The World aims to take players on a semi-autobiographical look at pizza delivery life. Well, except for the time travel part. Maybe?
Author: Joel Couture
Joel has been covering indie games for various sites including, Siliconera, Gamasutra, Warp Door, CG Magazine, and more over the past seven years, and has written book-length studies on Undertale and P.T.. Joel is constantly on the lookout for digital experiences that push the boundaries of what games can be, and seeks to delve into the creative process, meanings, and emotion labor that goes into the work of artists worldwide.
‘The Corridor: On Behalf Of The Dead’ Seeks Evidence In A Suspected Killer’s Memories
Custodians are tasked with solving grisly, disturbing murders, doing so by exploring the minds of those suspected of carrying out the deed.
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‘Ghostly Matter’ Is About Exploring & Blasting Through A Sprawling Haunted Mansion
Ghostly Matter takes the player through a spooky, spectre-filled romp through a haunted Scottish mansion.