The Case of the Golden Idol is a complicated mystery game spanning twelve murders and forty years, requiring you to fill in all the gaps about what happened.
Author: Joel Couture
‘The Bad Son’ is Full of Chilling Chases (And Monkeys)
The Bad Son will have you dodging some irate townsfolk in a town you never should have found. But some of the local oddballs aren’t so bad to talk to.
Trailer Tuesday – Restless, Hyperviolent Criminal Club
Trailer Tuesday seeks answers in the soil beneath our feet, cleans up some dead bodies, and plays some card games to save the kingdom this week.
‘ROBO OH’ is About Colossal Transforming Robots Fighting
ROBO OH will see you switching heads, splitting into individual war machines, turning into a zeppelin, and transforming throughout one-on-one fights.
‘Soulbaby: Remastered’ Shrinks the Play Space as You Get Stronger
Soulbaby: Remastered sees the battle arena get ever tinier as you gain new abilities to face swirly-faced foes, making it harder and harder to survive.
‘The Black Heart’ Explores the Horrific Side of Fighting Games
While punching and kicking people is all well and good, The Black Heart would rather impale someone mid-match with its bloody array of fighting options.
Trailer Tuesday – Pizza Tale Pioneers
Trailer Tuesday does its best to save breakfast by blasting ice cream, endures cruel trials to make some pizza, and tries to pour you a nice bath this week.
‘Zodiac DX’ – A Platformer About Magical Girls Saving the World
Zodiac DX lets you choose one of three magical girls to use to face celestial foes and protect the world. Just try not to get too distracted playing cards to do your…
‘Atama’ Sees Through the Eyes of Your Unsettling Pursuers
In Atama, you can see through the eyes of the disturbing creatures that roam a decaying old village. Those visions are all that will keep you from their clutches.
‘Arctictopia’ Slides Ice Floes to Reunite With Your Cub
Your cub is lost on an ice floe in Arctictopia, and you’ll need to carefully slide your own frigid platform around the stage in order to save the poor little critter.
Trailer Tuesday – The Meat Demon is Hungry
Trailer Tuesday hangs with flies that want to eat a rotten creature, shoots its way out of a slaughterhouse, and takes colossal monsters on romantic dates.