Trailer Tuesday will have us guiding floaty ghosts through dicey situations, running a successful card shop, and using tethers to shred starships on the fly.
Author: Joel Couture
GDWC 2021 Awards – A Free Online Show Celebrating Wonderful Indies
The Game Development World Championship (GDWC) 2021 Awards are coming soon, offering a couple of days of great games and interesting talks from industry professionals.
‘Inua’ Reshapes History Through Altering the Canadian North’s Past
Inua – A Story in Ice and Time uses past to affect present across three lives in this tale drawn from a lost historical expedition and Inuit folklore.
Trailer Tuesday – Galactic Farm Renovation Sounds
Trailer Tuesday sees us seeking rare fertilizers for our farms, building wild machinery, and solving challenging puzzles across mirror worlds.
‘With You’ Brings People Together Through Co-Operative Puzzle Solving
With You is a charming experience in learning to communicate more, having you talk and work together to bring harmony to a pair of shapes with legs.
‘Grapple Dog’ is All About High Speed Swings & Wall-Bouncing Jumps
Grapple DogĀ lets you hook, swing, and wall jump across its world. And once you get really good with those powers, you can really get this dog moving.
Trailer Thursday – The Sweet Streamer Eyes
Trailer Tuesday smashes candles to grow flesh on our bones, helps streamers rise to stardom, and tries to shake off the effects of an eerie blink this week.
‘GDevelop Game Jam’ Wants You to Create a Game With Codeless Tools
GDevelop Game Jam is looking to see what sort of wild, fun, and unique games you can make within ten days using the GDevelop game engine.
‘OlliOlli World’ Puts Slick Skateboarding at Your Fingertips
OlliOlli World opens up a large, vibrant world of wild cartoon places to skateboard in, letting you do tricks with ease across silly, surreal, imaginative landscapes.
‘How Fish Is Made’ Asks Unsettling Questions About Sardine Morals
How Fish Is Made sees your fishy self dumped into a strange, disturbing machine alongside some other scaly folks. But what will you do in this cruel place?
‘Pizza Ghest’ Makes Demonic Deals for Tasty Meals
Pizza Ghest needs you to help a hungry person pay for their pizza order. Unfortunately, we seem to have ordered from demons, so the price is a bit steep.