Mr. Saitou follows a salaryman on a charming adventure after an accident takes them from their endless, exhausting work to a delightful new world.
Author: Joel Couture
‘WHAT THE BAT?’ Finds Funny Solutions Using Baseball Bat Hands
WHAT THE BAT? asks you how you’d brush your teeth, feed some cats, take a bath, or make some toast for breakfast if your hands were baseball bats.
‘Clive ‘N’ Wrench’ – A Charming Collectathon Across Wild Worlds
Clive ‘N’ Wrench sees you swinging a monkey around as you collect oddball items in oversized houses, frozen landscapes, and trap-filled pyramids.
’24 Killers’ Gains Monster Abilities by Helping a Moon With its Scrapbooking
24 Killers wants you to free a bunch of monsters from a missile silo, take pictures of them, and then give them to Moon so you can gain neat powers.
Trailer Tuesday – A Sticky Luggage Calendar
Trailer Tuesday tries to find better gifts at an empty mall, takes pictures for a charity astronaut calendar, and drags us around a space station with just your arm.
‘Deadly Broadcast’ Streams Your Haunted House Encounters
Deadly Broadcast reminds us that our deaths are only worthwhile if they earn us a ton of likes, subs, and viewers on our various channels and social media accounts.
Trailer Thursday – 2000 Delirium Road
Trailer Thursday plays with time to get through puzzling rooms, works its way through a surreal house, and explores creepy mysteries across multiple dimensions.
‘Dogurai’ – Martial Arts Mutt Fights Robot Police
Dogurai takes a canine samurai out of retirement to battle an army of nasty robots that have taken over everything. Time to stab your way to world peace!
‘Romancelvania’ – A Mixture of Monster Love & Lighthearted Metroidvania
Romancelvania makes us ask ourselves why we’re fighting all of these monsters when we could be snuggling them on these cold, spooky nights.
‘Meg’s Monster’ Keeps a Young Girl Happy (Or Else)
You’re a durable, hulking creature in Meg’s Monster. While you can take a beating, it upsets the young child who travels with you. And the world ends if she cries.