In Doronko Wanko, a pomeranian tries to find out how much of a mess they can make while their owner sleeps.
Author: Jupiter Hadley
‘Kamaeru’ Makes Natural Homes for Collectible Frogs
In Kamaeru: A Frog Refuge, you will be creating a sanctuary for frogs, becoming friends with the cute amphibeans while developing various natural lands.
‘Nif Nif’ is a Deck Builder About Cleaning Wildlife
Nif Nif takes inspiration from Slay The Spire, but creates a more child friendly, bright, wholesome deck-building game about cleaning up filthy animals.
‘Friends vs Friends’ is a Card-Based Arena Shooter
Friends vs Friends is a chaotic shooter that introduces cards into the mix, creating custom decks to blast your enemies (and probably a few friends).
‘Tchia’ Turns Into Animals & Objects to Explore a Tropical Island
Tchia takes us on a stunning tropical open world adventure where you play as a young, imaginative girl who can turn into animals and objects to explore.
‘Kingdom Eighties’ Overcomes Danger by Building Bases With Childhood Buddies
Kingdom Eighties is an 80’s-inspired base-building game where you need to protect your town against greed while helping your friends and learning more about your family.
‘Moonstone Island’ is a Creature-Collecting Life Sim
Moonstone Island is a slice of life adventure game where you can fly to dozens of islands to gather local oddball creatures, grow gardens, and romance the locals.
‘Crime O’Clock’ Mixes Where’s Waldo?, Time Travel, and Mysteries
Crime O’Clock is a detective game that allows you to go back and forth through time, poring over a map at different moments to solve a mystery.
‘Gourdlets’ Builds Cities Purely for Enjoyment
Gourdlets is a city-building sandbox game without objectives or points where you can grow and decorate a town to your heart’s content.
‘Big Boy Boxing’ Punches Out Some Oddball Fighters
Big Boy Boxing is a quirky slapstick boss-rush game where you will be fighting against a bunch of former boxing champions, trying your luck at destroying them.
‘Loddlenaut’ Cleans Up the Ocean and Collects Creatures
Loddlenaut feels like you are doing good as you clean up trash and strange garbage at the bottom of the ocean to help the creatures that live there.