We spend some time grappling and shooting in VR, dealing with a house that’s out to get us, and beating folks with our inventory bag in this week’s Trailer Tuesday.
Category: Features
Trailer Tuesday – Mechanical River Delight
Hose down mechanical beasts with pulsing laser fire, complete an important shrimp ritual, and try to keep your cherry orchard safe from debt collectors in this week’s Trailer Tuesday.
Trailer Tuesday – The Badminton Colossus
Trailer Tuesday has us destroying all the uncool things on the planet, helping bears run a B&B, and mapping the world to find our granny.
Trailer Tuesday – Nice Garden Games
Trailer Tuesday sees us having adventures with beer snobs, making things disappear with a cloth, and helping sentient AI deal with their personal problems this week.
Trailer Tuesday – King of Fuschia City
This week, Trailer Tuesday sees us dealing with mysterious royal deaths, building settlements in our dreams, and pitting gothic ghouls against one another.
Trailer Tuesday – The Quick Falcon Testament
Trailer Tuesday finds us dealing with malfunctioning underwater AI, traveling to grim places beyond life, and hanging with some sled dogs in a chilly wilderness.
‘I Am Dead’ – An Exploration of Death & The Memories We Leave Behind
If there’s one thing that’s always interested me, it’s depictions of death that aren’t focused on the macabre. Conversations that aren’t consumed by the grief and finality of death. I Am Dead…
Trailer Tuesday – Clumsy Mind Service
We manage a bee hive with some friends, help a man shave, and deal with murders at a tennis club in this week’s Trailer Tuesday.
‘Romancelvania’ Developers Talk About Creating Good (Monster) Romance
Romancelvania sees Dracula finding love in many different monstrous places, so we spoke to its developers to learn about the nuances of creating a Metroidvania filled with supernatural dates.
Trailer Thursday – Imagined Floor Week
Trailer Thursday has us helping bears roll around to eat food, making bracelets for friends and family, and ruling a kingdom filled with idiots.
Trailer Thursday – Follow Through Gothic Street
Trailer Thursday sees us wandering the changing seasons (Game Boy style), trying our best to meet a friend who’s always busy, and dealing with impostor syndrome.