We manage a bee hive with some friends, help a man shave, and deal with murders at a tennis club in this week’s Trailer Tuesday.
Category: Features
‘Romancelvania’ Developers Talk About Creating Good (Monster) Romance
Romancelvania sees Dracula finding love in many different monstrous places, so we spoke to its developers to learn about the nuances of creating a Metroidvania filled with supernatural dates.
Trailer Thursday – Imagined Floor Week
Trailer Thursday has us helping bears roll around to eat food, making bracelets for friends and family, and ruling a kingdom filled with idiots.
Trailer Thursday – Follow Through Gothic Street
Trailer Thursday sees us wandering the changing seasons (Game Boy style), trying our best to meet a friend who’s always busy, and dealing with impostor syndrome.
Trailer Tuesday – No Short Evil Birds
This week, Trailer Tuesday has us keeping up to the beat with bullets, photographing a surreal mansion, and helping kids deal with creepy visions.
A Collection of Four Indie Titles Inspired by Classic Games
Classic games have inspired many different spin-offs in all manner of titles, so we’ve collected a handful of games inspired by Chess, Solitaire, Minesweeper and Pinball.
Trailer Tuesday – Renegade Bird’s Paradise
Help some monsters learn about humans, play cards to attract birds to wildlife preserves, and snap pictures of aliens to turn them into toothpaste with this week’s Trailer Tuesday.
Trailer Thursday – Perfect Hotshot City
Trailer Thursday has us managing a challenging starship crew, playing arcade games with foxes, and spending time with a budding couple who’s escaped detention to go to a festival.
Trailer Thursday – Save One Ancient Doom
Trailer Thursday sees us helping little snowball aliens by exploding them, overgrowing wastelands with plants, and connecting dots to make pretty pictures.
‘UnderTale’ – Celebrating Five Years of Positivity and Joy
I thought UnderTale would just be a quirky RPG with neat mechanics, but it ended up being a work that brought a lot of positivity into my life.
Trailer Tuesday – Universe of Necromantic Hassle
Trailer Tuesday sees us trying to run a communist factory town, detaching body parts to solve Viking problems, and collecting the ghosts of our dead buddies.