Spooky things happen around bed time, shadows make our lives difficult, and we take on a job driving a cab for aliens across the galaxy in this week’s Trailer Tuesday.
Category: Features
IG+ First Look – ‘Roji’s Room’
Inspired by Earthbound and Undertale, Roji’s Room lets you explore your dreams and interact with those living within them. It’s your choice if you want to fight or connect.
Trailer Thursday – Guild of Seven Good Plants
Trailer Thursday brings us spooky times in fractured homes, cursed blu-rays, and horror shmups from the Philippines.
IGP First Look – ‘Orangeblood’
If you want an RPG with a little dash of street thugs, a giant whopping arsenal full of guns, and some smooth hip-hop beats, Orangeblood is your next destination.
IGP First Look – ‘A Robot Named Fight!’
We aim to blast a moon’s worth of wriggling flesh and errant reproductive organs in this week’s IGP First Look at A Robot Named Fight!. Which isn’t as gross as it sounds….
Trailer Tuesday – Primal Door Story
Trailer Tuesday returns with adventures in discovering yourself through routine, building pixel art with production lines, and playing with imagined consoles.
IGP’s Indie Stars of 2019: Honorable Mentions
There were a LOT of excellent games in 2019 that didn’t make our initial list, but are definitely well-worth taking some time with. Here’s the rest of our stars of 2019!
IGP’s Game of the Year 2019: ‘RUNONCE’
RUNONCE captures the love and friendship that can come from a single meeting, never to be repeated again. Only remembered. It is in the powerful good that can exists in those we…
IGP’s Indie Stars of 2019: ‘Legal Dungeon’
Legal Dungeon has you filing police paperwork, using previously-collected evidence to build a case. And you’d better get those convictions or else your superiors will be coming for you.
IGP’s Indie Stars of 2019 – ‘Potion Punch 2’ & ‘Sneaky Sasquatch’
This year has been a pretty long year for myself. After looking back, I found myself selecting the games from last year, as these two years seem to have blended themselves into…
IGP’s Indie Stars of 2019: ‘Dicey Dungeons’
Any time I bring up Dicey Dungeons, I cannot help but talk about just how much strategy this game can wring out of the chance roll of a six-sided die.