Blazing Chrome is gunning to fill the run n’ gun throne that feels like it’s been vacant since Contra 4 released back in 2007.
Category: Features
Top 10 Games of Pax East 2019: ‘Dicey Dungeons’
Dicey Dungeons wrings an incredible amount of complexity out of six-sided dice, creating a strategic, challenging roguelike using its deceptively simple die rolls.
Top 10 Games of Pax East 2019: ‘Sayonara Wild Hearts’
Sayonara Wild Hearts pulses with color and pop songs, carrying you on the beat as you rush through a dazzling dance.
Top 10 Games of Pax East 2019: ‘WHAT THE GOLF?’
WHAT THE GOLF? is golf for those who like to be surprised. And who hate golf. Just roll with it.
Top 10 Games of Pax East 2019: ‘Songbird Symphony’
You wouldn’t know it at a glance, but Songbird Symphony is an intense rhythm/adventure game where you will have to keep a beat with your cheeps!
Trailer Tuesday – Babysitter Budgets for Puppet Showdown
Trailer Tuesday brings us dragon flight, flying ships, floating islands, and several other things that don’t involve flying.
Top 10 Games of Pax East 2019: ‘Phogs!’
Two heads are better than one, and doubly so if they are also dog heads. Phogs! stars a two headed dog capable of stretching great lengths and bringing happiness to all.
Top 10 Games of Pax East 2019: ‘Pixel Puzzle Makeout League’
Pixel Puzzle Makeout League is a mash-up of picross and dating sim. And it works. It works so dang well.
Top 10 Games of Pax East 2019: ‘The Last Friend’
What better motivation for beating up baddies then to protect your precious pups? In The Last Friend, a beat ‘em-up/tower defense game, players will be charged with defending man’s most treasured companion:…
Top 10 Games of Pax East 2019: ‘Wattam’
One of the greatest mechanics I have ever encountered is the ability to hold hands with an NPC. Couple this with unbridled joy and wacky explosions and you have Wattam.
Hands On @ Pax East: ‘The World Next Door’
The World Next Door showcases a quick-thinking combat system and a unique-looking cast. You’ll be put in the hot seat in both combat and conversation as you navigate the intricacies of this…