Another year, another amazing leap for the indie community. Here are the top games that really stood out to me this year – games that I would play for hours that whipped…
Category: Features
Indie Games Plus Highlights of 2018 – Thomas’ Picks
Wow. Hey. So. This was a year, huh? Ups and downs, with the new website and all that.
Indie Games Plus Highlights of 2018 – Dann’s Picks
2018 has been a bit of a rollercoaster ride for me. So, what better way to tie up the year than to look back at some of the games I will remember…
Indie Games Plus Highlights of 2018 – Jupiter’s Picks
As the year comes to the end, each of us have picked out a few amazing games to highlight – games that might have fallen under your radar or games you might…
Trailer Roundup – October 2018
A new and improved website calls for a new and improved Trailer Roundup! This time, we have hypnotic llamas, giant space battles, seductively swaying reapers, and more. Stirring Abyss Windows | 20€…
The IndieGamesPlus Guide to Contacting Games Press
With digital marketplaces being overcrowded and lots of websites focusing on a handful of big releases, getting people to notice you is increasingly difficult.
‘3 Minutes to Midnight’ Offers Upsetting Representations of Mental Illness
3 Minutes to Midnight is an adventure game themed around 80’s horror movies, offering cheesy humor, scares, and unfortunately, some of the genre’s upsetting representations of mental illness.