Dark Sheep sees you taking care of adorable livestock, but for a sinister purpose. Or maybe the Dark Lord really just likes fluffy animals?
You’re a new member of an unholy cult, and as such, you get the dull job of taking care of the sheep that will be the vital sacrifice. These sheep need grass to eat, and they’re not exactly motivated to go anywhere that doesn’t have any food. So, your task is to move various sheep through grassy patches until they’re put in their cages. Once a sheep goes over a path, the other sheep can’t go that way since there’s no tasty grass to entice them. So, plan your path accordingly.
I’m not sure what’s going on with this cultist’s lawn, but the grass is shaped in progressively stranger shapes, forcing you to really think about the route your sheep will take. If you can manage to keep them all fed despite the challenges of your strange yard, perhaps something suitably evil will happen? Maybe the Dark Lord will fix up your screw-up lawn? What do you really expect as a reward for some sheep and summoning a devilish being? Do you think they show up all grateful for the sheep? Guess you’ll find out.
Dark Sheep is a clever puzzle game with an interesting horror slant, one that might make you feel a little guilty as you crack its puzzles. Or, if you’re terrible at these games like I am, relieved that your own incompetence is helping some cute creatures escape being devoured by ancient monstrosities.
Dark Sheep is available now on Steam.