A therapist’s job is a hard one. You have to help navigate people through their problems and guide them to a healthy lifestyle.
Now, that might be a little bit stranger in Dr. Emoji, where your only communication is through emoji.
You will be assuming the role of a therapist with a specialty for diagnosing problems through the unique, and sometimes downright confusing, art of emoji. You’ll have to decipher some rapid fire visuals as your patient starts listing off their problems.
Not only that, you’ll have to respond from a multiple choice selection of responses. Oh, and your response has to be in emoji too. It’s not exactly as simple as it sounds, unless you are a master of emoji. These vague strings of icons will tell a story and if you don’t nail your response, your patient will be upset with you.
You’ll have a few opportunities in the back-and-forth of fired-off emojis until you have either solved your patient’s woes or sent them into a deeper slump. Luckily, with the power up emoji, it will be (painfully) clear how well or how poorly you do based on the amount of thumbs-up emojis you get. If you only get one, well, you might want to hang up your emoji coat and just stick to alphanumeric. If you get five thumbs-up though, you may want to ditch text altogether. Who needs it? You’re a much better communicator with emoji.
Dr. Emoji is available now on Itch.io for Global Game Jam 2020.