Everbloom takes the farming genre to a more whimsical place with fantasy plants and weird ways to gain interesting produce.
There is a lot of freedom within Everbloom to build your dream farm, much of which only requiring some unique thinking on your part. There are some weird and wacky moments in this game involving how you get special vegetables and food. You can feed your cow chocolate to get chocolate milk or set fire to your chili peppers so that they are spicy – that sort of thing. It’s an interesting and unique way of thinking, where it feels like anything silly can be possible.

You aren’t the only character in Everbloom, there are tons of other characters who are willing to help you and talk to you. During your conversations, there are different choices that have success rates, so you can make decisions to become friends with these individuals. There is also a story about finding lost heirlooms and bringing flavor back to the world, but I didn’t get that far in the demo at Day of the Devs. Instead, I hit a rock on my farm and ended up deep within the caves, mining for materials I couldn’t find above ground.
Everbloom feels like it builds on the nature of farming games, bringing something whimsical and ridiculous to life. There are a lot of secrets hidden in different areas, places to explore, and a community that is meant to thrive with your help and participation (there will also be co-op play in the full game). Everbloom is a very ambitious project, with a lot of different ways to play that contain a bit of freeform use, but it’s one that feels like it could be a fantastic farming game with so much more happening in it.
Everbloom is currently in development, but in the meantime, you can add it to your Steam Wishlist.