Frog Fractions: Game of the Decade Edition is looking pretty nice with its all-new 4K resolution and its offerings of dapper froggy headgear.
It’s the classic frog-feeding action that is beloved by all beings across the world. You send out your sticky frog tongue to grasp delicious bugs, feeding your endless appetite for insects and mathematics. As you collect food, formulas and numbers will be left in the wake of the newly-dead, which appeases my RPG-based desire to see numbers when something gets injured. It is lovely. You can also eat fruit and get handy upgrades for your tongue! Static cling sure helps reel in the bugs, but I try not to think much on what that would feel like inside your mouth.
Then, things stay completely normal. Yessir. Nothing odd happens at all. It’s normal to ride a turtle in places, but you also act perfectly normal when you ride a dragon around. It’s equally normal to have the game suddenly decide it wants to teach you typing. How thoughtful of it to take care of you like that! It also wants you to keep your head warm with a wonderful hat for your frog pal. It must get cold in the swamp. So it’s very important you keep your frog’s head toasty with the game’s new hat DLC.
Frog Fractions: Game of the Decade Edition will have your froggy adventures looking good with its new 4K resolutions, which we all know is a lot of resolutions. That is like “a serial killer trying to come clean for New Year’s” worth of resolutions. Plus there are hats! And surely there are no new surprises under those hats! SURELY!
Frog Fractions: Game of the Decade Edition will be made available today on Steam.