GET YOKED: Extreme Bodybuilding is a roguelike deck builder about gaining muscle quickly, safely, and utterly absurd-ly.
You find yourself in a series of body-building competitions, aiming for massive prizes of tens of dollars if you can out-flex your opponents. Thankfully, doing so is relatively straightforward. All you need to do is get more gains as the other people. That’s all calculated numerically based on the cards you play, so you just have to hit certain numbers within an allotted time limit. At least you’ll always know that your workout is promoting growth in the target muscle.

You can’t just play the biggest cards you have to outgrow your opponents. Each card has a total Gains amount that you’ll grow that aims for that target number and target muscle, but also has a Fatigue rating. Muscle groups that get too high with Fatigue get injured and can’t be trained for a few days, so you risk losing gains for a few days if you overly Fatigue them. That said, many other cards can adjust Fatigue to lessen it, or they can add more Stamina (as each card has a Stamina cost) that lets you play more cards (and more expensive cards) each day.
It’s simple but compelling, and that’s largely because GET YOKED allows you to become a musclebound monstrosity right from the start. Your character downright balloons depending on how you focus your training, creating hilarious bodybuilders in a hurry depending on how you play. While I doubt I could take a bodybuilding game seriously (even one where the cards are straightforward and fun like this one), sprinkling humor into this process makes this game a blast to play as you try to win AND grow a truly bizarre creature at the same time.
GET YOKED: Extreme Bodybuilding is available now (as a playable prototype) on You can wishlist the future full version on Steam.