JUICE is pretty great. Have you ever felt like you NEEDED it, though? Craved it? Were so incomplete without it that you struggled to pour a glass?
With this game, you need to just pour yourself a glass of juice. After that, you can think straight. Until then, you need to work with some dodgy pouring abilities, trying to aim whole boxes of juice at the glass. If you can manage to line up the liquid so that it pours inside, you can take a drink and get some of your thoughts out there. These thoughts are also about juice and the drinking thereof. But we’re here because we’re all obsessed with the stuff, so I am all for exploring our juice-based needs.
The character we’re interacting with really needs a drink of juice on vacation, you see, and we’re trying to figure out just why that is. As we manage to pour our fruity liquids into taller, more complicated glasses using only our mouse-based pouring abilities, we’ll join in deep introspection on why they love these drinks so much when they’re out on a trip. I need it after a workout myself, but cannot be bothered to contemplate why. I know there’s a good reason. I just don’t spend any time thinking on it. Well, now I am. So I guess this game encourages you to think about yourself?
Yeah. It’s a thinking game. And a pouring game. And a healthy-ish drinking game? Except isn’t juice as bad as pop in some ways? How could you have betrayed me like this, beloved orange drink?
JUICE is available now (for whatever you wish to pay for it) on itch.io.