Neurodeck : Psychological Deckbuilder sees you using personality tests, meditation, and calming cards in order to quiet the monsters in your mind.
Your fears are given form inside your thoughts throughout this game, and the best way you can deal with them involves taking care of yourself. Through cards, of course. As you encounter these manifestations of your fears (which all look pretty neat and utterly terrifying in motion), you’re able to draw cards from a deck of things you can do. Instead of physically lashing out at the things you encounter, you’ll maybe get a hug. Take some time to yourself and do some gardening. Keep a journal of your thoughts. Through taking care of yourself, you gain the strength you need to beat the things that are bothering you.
Turning mental health into a card game seems to be a bit of an oversimplification of how to deal with problems, but tackling your fears by taking better care of yourself makes for some interesting play. Not that every card you play is necessarily a good way to deal with things, as alcohol and other dangerous means can give you some relief, but not without ill effects. You might be better off taking care of your health with exercise, taking a moment to read a good book, or go over a memory in your mind to make your character permanently stronger.
I’m not a mental health professional by any means, but Neurodeck‘s message of taking care of yourself to put yourself in a position to deal with your problems makes for an intriguing card game, for sure.
Neurodeck : Psychological Deckbuilder will be made available today on the Nintendo Switch and Steam.