Adventures With Anxiety has you helping a person by reminding them about every terrible, awful thing that could happen to them RIGHT THIS SECOND.
The Mini Game Combat of RPG ‘Rose of Starcross’ is Constantly Changing
In the world of Rose of Starcross, you will be challenged from all sorts of directions. You’ll want to have that D-Pad ready for some of these combat-infused mini-games.
‘StarCrossed’ Saves the Galaxy Through Magical Girls Playing Lethal Games of ‘Pong’
StarCrossed has you and a friend guiding a pair of magical girls as they bounce a dangerous projectile back and forth, using it to defeat enemies and save the Nova Galaxy.
‘Last Week’ Asks How We Would Spend Our Final Days
The world will cease to be in one week. Can you guide a protagonist through their remaining time on Earth and figure out the best way to spend it?
‘And yet it hurt’ Brings Danger & Adventure to Notepad
Before today, the most perilous times I’ve had in Notepad have involved formatting. Now, And yet it hurt offers a challenging journey of revenge within the surprisingly plucky program.
Trailer Tuesday – Love Kings Treasure
This week’s Trailer Tuesday has us going on pilgrimages, choosing what’s fit for televising, and creating lovely rat cities.
‘SIMULACRA 2’ Investigates an Unsettling Disappearance Using the Victim’s Phone
SIMULACRA 2 has you working through an influencer’s phone to try to figure out who killed her. But is this a simple murder, or is something more frightening at work?
‘Coromon’ Clobbers Crooked Organizations With Customizable Critters
An organization is up to some shady funny business (aren’t all organizations, though?), and you’re going to do your best to stop them. Well, your trained creature pal is.
‘Bookbound Brigade’ Guides Crews of Literary & Historical Heroes into Battle
Want to create a gang made up of Robin Hood, Nicola Tesla (wait), Dracula, and Queen Victoria (wait what?) into a scrap against a colossal Cthulhu?
‘Ministry of Broadcast’ Turns an Escape from an Oppressive Regime into Reality TV
If you’re going to make a heroic escape from the horrible people who have you trapped away from your family, you’re going to want it to be televised, right?
‘Dr. Emoji’ Must Provide Therapy Only Using Emoji
A therapist’s job is a hard one. You have to help navigate people through their problems and guide them to a healthy lifestyle.