Vestaria Saga I: War of the Scions needs you to be very, very careful about your unit positions and attack plans, or else you’re going to really muck things up for the royal…
‘DIVINATION’ Seeks to Know Fates in a Gloomy Future
Divination has always been a dividing force between believers and skeptics. Is it truly possible to divine one’s future, or is the future malleable, shaped by our actions in the present?
‘Squishy Sports’ Brings Ridiculous Character to Competitive Shapes
Squishy Sports is currently the best multiplayer sports game I have ever played, and I don’t really like sports games. Their characters bring so much personality to the simplistic rounds of various…
Airship Combat Requires Juggling Complex Tasks in ‘SkyWolf’
Flying through the sky on your own skyboat, Larsen Wolf is just looking to defend the town from the large amount of flying creatures that seem to be invading it.
Trailer Tuesday – Primal Door Story
Trailer Tuesday returns with adventures in discovering yourself through routine, building pixel art with production lines, and playing with imagined consoles.
‘Cthulhu Saves Christmas’ Brings Humorous RPG Horror to the Holidays
The jolly fellow in red has been kidnapped by the Christmas League of Evil, and it’s up to eldritch horrors to stop spreading madness and start spreading cheer.
‘Mutropolis’ is a Comedy Adventure of a Future Exploration into our Present Day
The world might seem dark and dangerous to you right now, but in 30000 years, our world of today is but a quirky world of yesterday, and an expedition is about to…
‘The Longest Road on Earth’ Finds Compelling Stories in Ordinary Existence
The Longest Road on Earth takes the normal, everyday life of someone in a very small town in the middle of nowhere and turns it into a game where you follow a…
IGP’s Indie Stars of 2019: Honorable Mentions
There were a LOT of excellent games in 2019 that didn’t make our initial list, but are definitely well-worth taking some time with. Here’s the rest of our stars of 2019!
IGP’s Game of the Year 2019: ‘RUNONCE’
RUNONCE captures the love and friendship that can come from a single meeting, never to be repeated again. Only remembered. It is in the powerful good that can exists in those we…
IGP’s Indie Stars of 2019: ‘Legal Dungeon’
Legal Dungeon has you filing police paperwork, using previously-collected evidence to build a case. And you’d better get those convictions or else your superiors will be coming for you.