I have let my people down. When our miserable band of misfits and refugees stumbled upon a dangerous warlock and his heavily-armed band of marauders, we didn’t fight them.
Drive a Long, Beautiful Road to Warm Seasons in ‘Summer Catchers’
From beautiful sand-scapes to a glimmering vision of a tall stag, Summer Catchers is ready to amaze you with its vibrant colors.
IGP First Look – ‘Lucah: Born of a Dream’ (Switch)
Lucah: Born of a Dream takes us to a broken, distorted wood in this week’s IGP First Look, having us face twisted nightmare creatures in combat that demands you be cunning and…
‘Hunt The Yeti’ is an Ice-Drilling Wave Defense Game
You’ve been sent to the snowy glaciers with a simple job: use your drill and power fist to stop the yeti dead in its tracks.
Indie Arena Booth 2019 Announces Gamescom Line-Up
The Indie Arena Booth has unveiled their 2019 Gamescom lineup. As expected, it’s pretty neat. Take a look!
‘Combo Postage’ is About the Dangers of Packing Up Boxes
All you need to do is tape up some boxes and move them along. Somehow, this becomes a deadly experience in Combo Postage.
‘STAP’ Stops Crashes at Intersections With a Touch
Some games have abstract puzzles to solve or bring you to worlds unlike your own. Others mimic real life, showing a basic, everyday thing and allowing the player to take part in…
‘JUNKPUNCHER’ Makes Foes Explode With Steely Fisticuffs
JUNKPUNCHER hearkens back to the retro days of shattering hands and punching enemies until they blow up, doing so to make the streets safe (ish).
Trailer Tuesday – Legends of Cat Takers
Trailer Tuesday does a little pilfering, some mech customizing, some darkness overcoming, and some pushing friends into piranha-filled waters…ing?
‘G30’ Seeks the True Story By Shifting Images & Words
G30 is a lovely game that takes kaleidoscope-esque puzzles and uses them to tell memories and stories.
‘Salaam’ – A Runner Game About the Real Horrors of Escaping War-Torn Places
Salaam, a game about refugees making their way to safety, will have you rushing to escape the military on foot as their shots ring out overhead.