Granny’s got a load of lethal and highly expendable creatures to throw at anything that gives her a hard time in Terrorarium.
Death is a Teacher, Rather Than an End, in ‘Retrace’
You will meet many unfortunate ends as you work your way through Retrace, but by jumping back to a past decision, you can learn to undo your death.
‘Knife 2 Meat U’ Solves Puzzles With Stabbing
When you’re a crab with a knife, you pretty much only have one way to solve your life problems.
The Big Show – A Beginner’s Guide to Creating a Budget for Convention Appearances
Taking your game to a convention can be very rewarding, but expensive. Still, you can do it (with a little pre-planning)!
Puzzler ‘Cherry Creek’ Shifts a River’s Flow to Grow Cherry Trees
You need to alter the bends and twists in a river in order to get water to every cherry tree, bringing a lovely forest to life in Cherry Creek.
IGP First Look – ‘Uriel’s Chasm 3: Gelshock’
Our IGP First Look at Uriel’s Chasm 3: Gelshock finds us seeking answers about an ancient prophecy and our current lot as the gelatinous results of said prophecy. If we can survive…
‘Dead Dreams’ Unravels the Unsettling End of a Past Friend
Inspired by Silent Hill 2, Dead Dreams offers a psychological horror experience, having you test your nerves against terrifying imagery and challenging puzzles.
‘KUNAI’ Keeps a Robot Ninja Moving With Style
KUNAI infuses a robot with an agile warrior’s spirit, using several abilities to stay on the move as it carves through vicious fighting machines.
‘Beautiful Doom’ Breaks the Bases of Biomechanical Animals
You need to blast power crystals on a space station, but some machine beasts really would rather that you didn’t in shooter Beautiful Doom.
Glide Through a Community of Flying Islands With ‘Cloudtrail Islands’
Cloudtrail Islands has you helping some friendly folks and gliding between the islands of its lands in the sky.
‘She Remembered Caterpillars’ Soothes With Colorful Forest Creature Puzzles
The new Switch release of She Remembered Caterpillars offers some calming visuals with its wooded areas filled with vibrant, cheerful creatures you need to help.