Jason is up to his old shenanigans, only this time, he moves in a straight line until he hits a wall or a victim in Friday the 13th: Killer Puzzle.
‘BLACK BIRD’ Gives Irate Fowl Some Kingdom-Leveling Firepower
A little girl meets a sad end, only to be reborn as a giant bird bent of bringing calamity to a chaotic town with her feathery blasts in BLACK BIRD.
‘Princeless’ is a Stealth Game of Dodging an Arranged Marriage
The heroine of Princeless is not about to get married no matter how many security robots and systems mean to hold her to this imminent wedding.
Stop Llamas From Trashing Your Town in Multiplayer Game ‘Llama Palooza’
Llamas are on the warpath, smashing your city to bits, so you and some friends will need to quickly calm things down in Llama Palooza.
‘Hell’ Draws You Deep Into Unsettling Landscapes
Hell takes you on a lonely, uncomfortable walk through a surreal, chilling afterlife.
RPG ‘Sacred Earth – Promise’ Draws Fighting Game Inspiration
Chaining attacks into combos will tangle up foes and open them up for reams of extra damage in Sacred Earth – Promise.
10 Awesome Games from the Humble Bundle Very Positive Sale
Humble Bundle is having a sale full of popular games from their site. Check some of them out and see if you were missing some of these popular games from your collection.
‘Fire$ale’ Will Have You “Acquiring” Valuables from Burning Buildings
Yes, the office is going to burn down and people might die, but what about all those costly monitors and desks?
Light is Your Only Weapon in the Creepy, Tight Halls of ‘COLINA: Legacy’
A trip to grandma’s house takes a disturbing turn in COLINA: Legacy, a horror game where your flashlight will help you find clues and stagger the creatures that skulk in the shadows.
‘Living Orb’ Plays Games by Moving a Ball of Lights
Living Orb – a big, round, light-covered games console – was showcased at Bemyhuman recently, and using those lights, you could play a game of Pac-Man.
‘Knitting Simulator 2014’ Uses Actual Knitting Needles to Play
Knitting Simulator 2014 does exactly what the title says, allowing you to knit up some cute clothing.