Torii sends you on a thoughtful journey through a striking world, but your steps through this place are infused with a purposeful, angering difficulty.
‘Sleep Swimmer’ Relaxes by Collecting Sounds Under the Sea
Sleep Swimmer escapes from the hectic pace of everyday life to a world under the sea, collecting sounds and helping people to wile the days away.
‘MapFriend’ Hides Scary Secrets in an Aging Navigation Program
MapFriend wants you to take a look around a new place and learn about it through an older navigation program. Although you may not like what you find.
Trailer Tuesday – Stop the Little Super Goblins
Trailer Tuesday helps zombies find new body parts, tries to organize your house while a cat makes it difficult, and throws rocks at goblins this week.
‘The Longest Walk’ is a Personal Reflection on a Difficult Mental State
The Longest Walk is a thoughtful and emotional story about struggling with mental health and trying to figure out what to do to continue living.
‘GIGABUSTER’ Blasts Nasty CEOs, Mega Man-Style
GIGABUSTER enters a world where CEOs are doing nasty things around ‘Happiness’, and you need to sort them out with laser blasts and beam sabers.
‘Forward: Escape the Fold’ Delves Into Simple, Compelling Card Dungeons
You only ever have the choice between three possible cards in front of you in Forward: Escape the Fold, but making that choice is deviously challenging.
‘Still Heroes’ Explores the Challenges of Following Noble Dreams
Still Heroes is an interactive fiction piece that explores how it can be hard to keep going when your fellow superheroes decide they don’t want to do it any more.
Trailer Tuesday – Blue Blades and Jester Goddesses
Trailer Tuesday explores toy-filled worlds, takes a swim through past memories, and travels the kingdom to put on theatre productions this week.
‘The Happyhills Homicide’ Solves Puzzles to Sow Bloody Mayhem
The Happyhills Homicide wants you to give in to your killer side, but it doesn’t intend to make it easy. You need to figure out how to sneakily do your sinister deeds.
‘Super Kiwi 64’ Captures the Joys of Collecting Stuff
Super Kiwi 64 sees you helping a little bird pick up all kinds of goodies lying around some low-poly places. And doing some fun platforming while you’re at it!