Trailer Tuesday follows the romantic adventures of wild west outlaws, drives a train through Kyoto, and finds horrors at the grocery store this week.
‘Tamarindos Freaking Dinner’ Delivers Pizzas to Cannibal Parties
Tamarindos Freaking Dinner is a creepy, spooky game where you are just trying to deliver a pizza and get on with your job. Hopefully without being eaten.
‘Lovebirb’ Brings Charming, Rhythmic Avian Dates
Lovebirb wants you to find someone new to nest with. But that’s assuming you can give clever responses while keeping up with the rhythm.
‘Shadows of Doubt’ Solves Mysteries in Generated Open Worlds
Shadows of Doubt: The Detective Simulator allows you to enter a procedurally-generated open world to solve a murder. So long as you keep on track.
‘CAN ANDROIDS SURVIVE’ Makes Deadly Deliveries on a Hostile Moon
CAN ANDROIDS SURVIVE sees you struggling to overcome enemy fire, a brutal lunar landscape, and your limited resources as you make battlefield deliveries.
Trailer Tuesday – The Last Ecstatic Grandpa Camp
Trailer Tuesday is full of spiders that shoot rockets, grandpas that you’ve raised yourself, and sneaky cats that just want to meet with their loved ones this week.
‘Ruth’s Journey’ Takes Bird Photos (And Uncovers Mysteries)
Ruth’s Journey follows the title character as she tries to take pictures of a specific bird to save her job. There’s stranger business happening in these woods, though.
‘Neodori Forever’ – High Speed Drifting on Endless Open Roads
Neodori Forever sets you free on some long stretches of low-poly highway, letting you hurtle down the asphalt at absurd speeds as the world flies by.
‘Cult of the Lamb’ Gets you to Build Your Own Cute, Creepy Group
Cult of the Lamb sees you gathering followers to beat up monsters and show adoration to your savior with. You haven’t seen a cult this cute before.
‘Dread Delusion’ Explores Open Worlds Plagued by Undead Curses
Dread Delusion finds adventure and danger beneath a blood-red sky, carving a path through lands infested with strange, exciting monstrosities.
Trailer Tuesday – Influence the Lovely Lake
Trailer Tuesday sees us using social media to influence others, casting lines in a strange lake, and trying to survive in a complicated escape pod.