Citizen Sleeper casts you as a consciousness in an artificial body, tasking you with doing what you can to keep that body running in a world in crisis.
‘Screaming Loaf’ Shouts to Stop From Becoming a Sandwich
Screaming Loaf has you helping a bunch of bread stop food from turning it into a sandwich. By shouting really loud. Have you ever startled jam to death before?
‘WIGGLESMITH’ Uses Wobbly Limbs to Cobble Together Weaponry
WIGGLESMITH sees monsters rushing toward the town, and you need weapons to defend it. You just need to use your wiggly arms to forge them.
‘Reversary’ Makes You Play as the Colossal Boss Monster
Reversary gives you control of a giant boss, having you fight a persistent warrior who keeps leveling up and coming back stronger.
Trailer Tuesday – The Astral Abyss Ghost
Trailer Tuesday wants you to put some cubes together, ring magic bells, and float along to ethereal beats through dreamy landscapes this week.
‘Alghrab’ Earns Prophecies By Beating a Bird at a Card Game
Alghrab pits you against a mouthy crow at the bird’s own card game. Win and you get a prophecy. Lose, and it’ll relentlessly tease you.
‘SCHiM’ Hops From Shadow to Shadow to Find Your Way Home
SCHiM has you playing as a spirit that is looking to reattach to their proper object, but can only move in the shadows of others on the way there.
‘FRANKEN’ – A Delightfully Ridiculous Bite-Sized RPG Adventure
FRANKEN pits you against goofy creatures and evil jerk knights in your quest to save the world. Which you can probably pull off over your lunch break.
‘Ayo the Clown’ Platforms Through Playful, Colorful Worlds of Toys
Ayo the Clown may be the first game that made me feel that a shark (that was in the middle of trying to bite me) was adorable. It’s a pretty cute platformer.
Trailer Tuesday – Lorelai’s Lost Lovely Veins
Trailer Tuesday gets a bit of blood on the carpet while redecorating, investigates death and dancing robots, and finds trouble surviving this week.
‘Time on Frog Island’ Helps Froggy Pals at Your Own Pace
Time on Frog Island sees you shipwrecked on a world full of frogs, many of whom need you and your little plant buddy to help them in some way.