The nasty ruling class is up to no good (as usual) in Lofty Quest. You just need to help some heroes find their fighting spirit to deal with the evil king.
Trailer Tuesday – Hero’s Dark Mystic Lung
Trailer Tuesday takes us on an unsettling ride in a one-person submarine, keeps us communicating while blasting bugs, and explores the dreams of hotel guests.
‘Mirlo Above the Sun’ Bashes Robots to Save Your Home World
Mirlo Above the Sun is a hack and slash game in a beautiful world where you must save your home from robots that want to use your energy to fuel their machines.
‘Pill Baby’ Mixes Monster Battles & the Life of a Lonely Immigrant
Anna needs to find friends and a new job in another country. But she also has to battle strange monsters and visions that haunt her in Pill Baby.
‘Aeon Drive’ – A Platformer Played on Borrowed (And Limited) Time
Aeon Drive is a fast-paced puzzle platformer where you are literally playing on borrowed time, rushing to beat tricky stages on short time limits.
‘What’s up in a Kharkiv bomb shelter’ – A Look at Life Under Bombardment
What’s up in a Kharkiv bomb shelter gives you a glimpse into life in a bomb shelter, speaking with people as aircraft hurtles by and bombs detonate outside.
Trailer Tuesday – Fields of Evil Flowers
Trailer Tuesday gives us the tools to create our own shmups, has us solving mysteries cooperatively, and strives to help kids cross the street safely.
‘The Wreck’ Asks What Decision You’d Make on a Traumatic Day
The Wreck takes you to a moment in time that has the power to change everything. And you have to make the pivotal decision that will either save or doom you.
Sponsored Post: YAHAHA Lowers the Entry Barrier for Game Development
With a system as easy as drag-and-drop, YAHAHA is looking to give you the tools to make your own 3D games regardless of whether you have little to no experience in game…
‘Night Cascades’ Navigates Occult Mysteries & Lesbian Romance
Night Cascades sees Diane getting brought in to help with a very strange police case. But what’s more compelling is your overly-familiar new partner.
‘Wobbledogs’ Lets You Peacefully Raise Wiggly, Goofy Canines
Wobbledogs gives you a bunch of silly, snoozy virtual pets to care for, and how you raise/feed them will dictate what happens to them as they grow up.