I mean, you’ve likely done stranger things to impress someone in a visual novel. Sucker for Love: First Date isn’t asking for much with its sinister rituals.
‘Pupperazzi’ Lets You Do Much More Than Take Dog Photos
Yes, Pupperazzi is largely about taking pictures of cute dogs. But you can also interact with them in many different ways, from petting to other silly stuff.
‘Strange Horticulture’ Uses Strange Plants to Guide its Story
Strange Horticulture tasks you with finding the herbal solutions to peoples’ problems. What plants and flowers you use can change where this tale goes, though.
Trailer Tuesday – Shrinking Karate Millionaire Farm
Trailer Tuesday sees us having sketchy times on apple farms, helping a canary through fistfights, and trying to trade a cucumber for valuable things.
‘Binding of Isaac: Repentance’ is a Rich, Seemingly-Endless Roguelike
The Binding of Isaac: Repentance brings together so much content into an already fantastic roguelike that it pleasantly feels like a never-ending experience.
‘dweeMIXED: Thwee Pack’ – Solve Icy Mysteries & Turn Friends Into Food
dweeMIXED: Thwee Pack brings a variety of surreal experiences, letting you live life as a shoe, unfreeze a city, or work with pals to make a delicious edible being.
‘You Will (Not) Remain’ Hides From an Unsettling Doomsday
You Will (Not) Remain sees you hanging around an apartment complex with your strange, surreal dog as the world collapses into otherworldly ruin all around you.
‘Lily’s Well’ Follows Eerie Voices Into a Deadly Pit
If I hear a voice outside at night, I ignore it. When the heroine of Lily’s Well hears one, though, she starts figuring out how to get to it. Brave kid.
Trailer Tuesday – The Occult Milk Lake
Trailer Tuesday sees us speaking with the dead through spreadsheets, serving drinks as hard as we can, and finding ourselves while delivering the mail.
‘Eggnog Incorporated’ – ‘Papers, Please’-Inspired Drink Inspections
Eggnog Incorporated sees you double-checking eggnog to make sure it’s good enough to send out to the masses and ensure they enjoy it.
The Ten Best Indie Rhythm Games
There is a huge variety of different rhythm games out there, so we have hand-selected the best toe-tapping musical indie games for you to play.