Tamarindos Freaking Dinner is a creepy, spooky game where you are just trying to deliver a pizza and get on with your job. Hopefully without being eaten.
You start off as a simple pizza delivery guy trying to drop off some food to a strange house down the road. From there, you end up sucked into the house, somehow, and need to move around the strange rooms trying to figure out what is going on (and you still have a job to do despite all the oddities around you). Tamarindos Freaking Dinner is a bizarre game – that’s the best way to describe it. I’d love to live inside the world of the developer.
It’s not very clear what you are meant to do in this game, and a lot of it seems to involve following creatures around and then trying to complete obscure obstacles within a short amount of time. When playing, I found the visuals so captivating and overwhelming that I didn’t notice doors I was meant to be able to go through, but honestly, I just liked walking around. I enjoyed seeing the world and trying to discover the new monsters that were around the corner. There’s a lot of different beings and sights within the house, so simply exploring it and meeting people made it very entertaining.
Tamarindos Freaking Dinner is a surreal, interesting game, and one that is well worth your time. The demo I played at WASD wasn’t too scary at all when it came to what gameplay was there. I felt more unnerved than anything, but maybe more scare factors are coming with the full release and further run-ins with the cast of wild characters and cannibal countesses that are to come.
Tamarindos Freaking Dinner is currently in development, but in the meantime, you can add it to your Steam Wishlist.