Tell Me Your Story has you solving puzzles to connect with your grandmother and hear about her travels throughout the world.
Much like the game A Little to the Left, Tell Me Your Story is a game of puzzles that join together to tell you a story about what is going on around you. You play as a young girl called Amelia who is visiting her grandmother for the summer. Your grandmother has a lot of artifacts from her time traveling the world, so through stories she tells you and little puzzles, you can relive her adventures.

Tell Me Your Story doesn’t actually have any reading or any words. Instead, there are different places to explore: the rainforest, the Aztecs and then China, all done through simplistic screens that give you something to solve without direction. After you solve a puzzle, you do get a cutscene that shows Amelia and her grandmother interacting (along with a sticker that’s used at the end of the chapter).
The puzzles come in a large variety. Puzzles are based on patterns, hidden objects, placing items in specific spots, or even just trying to figure out how items fit together. Each of these then give you a sticker that you need to place in the correct part of your journal to move onto the next world. The puzzles themselves are very trial and error or guess-y, so they aren’t things that often have hints around them. Tell Me Your Story feels more designed for a younger audience with the type of puzzles it does have.

With these types of puzzles, there is a more cosy element to the game. Nothing feels frustrating, and if you wait long enough, whatever you can interact with shakes, giving you a bit of a hint. There isn’t any sort of timer and the entire game can be played in one sitting if you are used to puzzle games. The artstyle itself is very charming, creating a relaxing, story-based puzzler for those who like that sort of thing!
Tell Me Your Story is available now on the Nintendo eShop, Microsoft Store, and Steam.