Windowkill faces enemy ships as well as the available space you have to move, requiring you shoot the edges of the screen to reach your foes.
You’re a fighter ship in the depths of space, except for some reason, space isn’t terribly spacious for you right now. The world around you keeps closing in, making it difficult to move around or avoid foes. Now, your enemies don’t really have this problem, as they all exist in their own windows that can flit into your play area and out of it again at will. And their shots can cleave through the space between the open windows to reach you as well. Basically, you’re in a rough spot.

Your best bet to survive is to fire away at the edges of your window. This will increase the distance it reaches out, giving you some more room to move around shots so you don’t get blasted. That said, you need to take those shots carefully as they can affect the dimensions of your window and limit your movement in other ways. Also, you’re not purely focusing on avoiding shots, so you’ll want to blast the edges of you screen so that they reach the other ships, allowing you to take them out and cut down on the endless salvos of shots coming your way. So, you’re constantly adjusting the size of your window to dodge or fire back, all while re-evaluating the situation to decide what to do next.
Windowkill‘s premise sees you continually playing around with your window size and choosing where to focus every single shot. You can’t just spray bullets around to catch enemies, instead having to choose whether to grow the size of your screen (as well as what direction to grow it in) so that you can get ahead of your foes without getting shot yourself. It really made me appreciate every shot I took.
Windowkill is available now on and Steam.