Players will have to put their befriending skills to the test in Yuuto Ichika Makes Friends. All bets are off, and all friends are on the table. Even murderers.
Can you help this sweet underdog heroine gain some lasting friendships?
Yuuto Ichika, who has become a bit of an internet sensation, needs some help making friends. And she knows beggars can’t be choosers. Addicts, Killers, Thugs – everyone needs a buddy. As you explore the world and encounter its (sometimes not) wonderful inhabitants, you can also prove yourself to your thug friends by stealing. But what about a pinch of magic, you ask? Well, of course. You’ll be picking up spells all along the way as well, using those in your pal-finding quest.
In this goofy game with its can’t-help-but-love-her heroine, you’re sure to make some friends that last a lifetime. They may be dangerous, but they are also loyal.
Yuuto Ichika Makes Friends is available for free on