Pixel Session Vol. 1 is a collection of 5 arcade games full of juice and polish that have to be played well until you get a high enough score to unlock the…
Author: Jupiter Hadley
Jupiter is a prolific indie game journalist, writing for Metro UK, Big Boss Battle, AlphaBetaGamer, and many more, all with a focus on smaller indie gems. She covers thousands of game jams and indie games on her YouTube channel, letting every game have a moment in the spotlight. She runs indiegamejams.com, a calendar of all of the game jams going on in the world, judges many jams and events.
Explore A Platformer Full Of Meaning & Story In ‘The Second Shadow’
The Second Shadow is a story driven platformer that sees you visiting memories that are only half there.
‘The Spiral House’ Explores A Strange Dream
You visit the developer’s dream in the simple Bitsy game The Spiral House.
Become A Curious Gerbil In ‘Good Morning Jerboland’
Don’t you want to be a simple gerbil, hanging out in their cage and enjoying life?
Solve A Schoolyard Crime During Gym Class In ‘P.E. Noire’
P.E. Noire, a short game created for the Summer Slow Jams August 2018: Parody Games, has you playing a detective trying to solve a very major crime in your school.
Experience Beautiful Poems In ‘A Night Walk’
A Night Walk is a lovely little game that highlights a variety of poems by a bunch of different authors.
Wander Around And Get Lost In ‘Metro Manic’
You can’t sleep here. It’s a bus stop. So wake up.
‘Animal Crackers’ Sees You Throwing A Birthday Party For The President
Throw the best possible party for the President of the Animal Congress in 3 Halves Games‘ cute narrative-driven game, Animal Crackers.