Ever find your run through your latest dungeon getting lonely? Maybe even starting to appreciate the romantic side of tearing through your enemies with a loved one?
‘Galaxy Rushroom’ is a Dodging & Dashing Space Delivery Runner
Galaxy Rushroom is a 3D runner game in which you use your space scooter to run chores for your hunky mushroom husband.
‘Featherfall’ Thrusts A Newly-Hatched Bird Into Ferocious Souls-Like Combat
Fight or Flight? Featherfall stars a bird, fresh out of the egg, in imminent danger.
Cooperatively Use Hot & Cold to Traverse the Puzzling Worlds of ‘Degrees of Separation’
Rime and Ember, lovers of ice and fire, are separated by a strange force, but can work together to use their unique powers to solve the puzzles of Degrees of Separation.
IGP First Look – ‘BEAN BEING’
Seeds need an adorable, shovel-wielding protector in our IGP First Look at BEAN BEING.
Cash Will Keep You Alive in Horror Beat ‘Em Up ‘Streets of Red’
You’ll want to keep up the beatdowns if you want to maintain a steady flow of cash in Streets of Red: Devil’s Dare Deluxe. Because money is all that will let you…
‘Prehistoric Kingdom’ Lets You Design Dinosaur Parks (That Might Be Safe)
Prehistoric Kingdom will have you shaping your own dinosaur theme park, filling it with exhibits, staff, and maybe even security measures so that your guests all stay alive!
‘Winkeltje’ Has You Furnishing, Expanding, & Running a Shop
Everything from layouts to stock to decoration to creating and growing salable items is your responsibility in Winkeltje.
‘Arcade Spirits’ Finds Love and Friendship Among the Cabinets
Whether you’re out for romance, or just want to make some good friends with the folks who frequent the arcade you work at, visual novel Arcade Spirits has you covered.
‘DEEEER Simulator’ Offers Endless Animal Ridiculousness
Deer that use their long necks as grappling hooks? Hippos with gatling guns in their mouths? DEEEER Simulator aims to let your destructive tendencies run wild with its absurd animals.
An Apartment Complex Corrodes into a Nightmare Realm in ‘Devotion’
Devotion, the next title from the developers of Detention, takes you to 1980’s Taiwan for an experience in East Asian folklore and unsettling horrors.