Roll+Heart explores the connections we make through the games we play together, building bonds between people who gather for weekly tabletop adventures.
#SuperWarehouse Indie Gaming Party Best of Show: ‘Wreckout’
Playing as a car racing around a small arena, you must pick up the ball and ping it back against your opponent’s goal, which is filled with breakable blocks within it.
Play a Flailing Fish in ‘Corporate Salmon’
Corporate Salmon is a fun game to play once you get used to controlling a wriggling fish trying to move their way up an escalator.
‘Nugget & Penny’s Adventure Machine’ is a Wild Adventure Built For Two
Looking for your next co-op game? Nugget & Penny’s Adventure Machine is built for exactly two people who are ready for their next big journey.
IGP First Look – ‘HORGIHUGH’
This week’s IGP First Look has us clearing the skies of jerk robots with a pair of fluffy pilots, using the power of adorable (and lasers/rockets/explosives) to save the day in ultra-cute…
‘Chogue’ Turns Chess Into a Roguelike Dungeon Crawler
Chogue is a little bit Chess (for movement) and a little bit Rogue (for combat and dungeon layouts). Which can make for some nasty surprises for your vulnerable King.
‘Lost in the Backrooms’ Loses You in a Labyrinth of Creepy Corridors
You’ve found yourself in an unfortunate place of endless hallways, stairs, and doors, pulled ever forward by someone’s audio notes in Lost in the Backrooms.
Text Parser Mystery ‘The Crimson Diamond’ Hides its Secrets Among a Varied Cast
Somebody at the Crimson Lodge knows something about this huge diamond that’s been found in town. You’ll just need to uncover their secrets to figure out who it is.
‘Garden Story’ Restores a Village Filled With Friendly Veggie Folks
Rot has seeped onto an island, and you’ve got to purge it with adventure, friendship, and environmental care in this mixture of social simulation and RPG.
‘Elsinore’ Seeks to Escape a Shakespearean Time Loop
In four days, everyone in Elsinore Castle will be dead. Unless Ophelia can make the right decisions and break a time loop through saving everyone.
Trailer Tuesday – Solace of the Last Yolk
This week, Trailer Tuesday puts allergies to handy use, chomps blocks for puzzle-solving delights, and finds rooms within items.